Sweepstakes celebrates celery with weekly winners, grand prize pack
Celery enthusiasts have a chance to win a grand prize pack during Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ “Celery-Brate Tradition” fall sweepstakes.
The prize pack up for grabs includes a porcelain rectangular roaster, a food shopper, corn cob holders, a solo stove, and marshmallow roasters. Duda Farm Fresh Foods is also choosing seven weekly winners during the promotion win a $100 gift card, along with coupons.
“This fall, we are launching a new promotion designed to entice shoppers to cook with our products even more,” Nichole Towell, senior director of marketing and packaging procurement at Duda Farm Fresh Foods, said in a news release. “We’ve been driving home our celery snacking messaging throughout most of this year, and we’re looking to change things up a bit with a more traditional cooking emphasis.”
Founded in 1926, Duda Farm produces its legacy celery crop, along with sweet corn, radishes and lettuce, under its Dandy brand.
With the fall and winter seasons filled with more hosting and celebration events, such as football watch parties and back-to-back holidays, the company hopes to reach more shoppers by emphasizing cooking with celery rather than snacking, according to the release.
Dandy celery is available in whole stalk, one- and two-count hearts, and a variety of fresh-cut options.