
Midwest Food Products Association names new president

Midwest Food Products Association (MWFA) has named a new president. Nick Novak has spent more than a decade with Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerc... continue reading »

Colombia Avocado Board elects new members

Members recently elected to the Colombia Avocado Board include two importers and two exporters. One is new to the board, while three members were re-e... continue reading »

Produce Distributors emphasizes preparation is key for FSMA 204 compliance by 2026

During a recent webinar hosted by the Produce Distributors Association (PDA), food safety experts highlighted the importance of having a food traceabi... continue reading »

CPS invests $3.3 million in new food safety research

The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has launched 14 new research projects totaling over $3.3 million, aimed at tackling key food safety issues in the ... continue reading »

CPS hosts free virtual educational event

The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) is hosting a webinar series following its successful 15th annual Research Symposium held June 18-19 in Denver. ... continue reading »

IFPA seeking innovative produce retailers for annual awards

Do you know a retail innovator worthy of recognition? The International Fresh Produce Association wants to hear from you. The organization’s Reta... continue reading »

IFPA joins industry praise of finalized WIC program updates

The International Fresh Produce Association joined nutritional policy experts in welcoming this month’s finalized updates to the Special Supplementa... continue reading »

IFPA technology accelerator seeks climate-smart innovation

The International Fresh Produce Association’s technology accelerator, Fresh Field Catalyst, seeks applicants for its six-month program. IFPA is l... continue reading »

A brightly colored selection of fruits and vegetables in a market

IFPA applauds full funding of fruits and vegetables in WIC program

The International Fresh Produce Association commends the U.S. House for approving full funding for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Wo... continue reading »

brightly colored produce assortment

IFPA program matches school districts with produce suppliers

The International Fresh Produce Association has entered the matchmaking business. In late February, IFPA coordinated more than 120 “speed dating�... continue reading »