August 3, 2009

Recall Training Course Offered

Syngenta is sponsoring the recall training course in Florida offered by United Fresh Research & Education Foundation. The course is designed to help produce companies prepare for and defend against the backlash a product recall can cause.

The “Training for Recall, Communicating Under Fire” program will be held Oct. 27-29 in West Palm Beach, Fla. The recall/crisis management course will be held Oct. 27-28; media training will take place Oct. 28-29.

The program focuses on helping companies understand the fundamentals of a product recall, including their responsibilities, the role of FDA, how to limit liability and manage customer expectations. In addition, the seminar offers an in-depth look at how to build a customized communication plan in the event of a recall, and explains how to effectively communicate to the industry, customers, consumers and the media.

In addition to the course, a customized media training session is available. A separate registration is required for this event, which will prepare companies for real interviews.

The registration fee for the two-day recall training program includes two continental breakfasts, two lunches and all program materials. The registration fee for the media training includes the customized media training and breakfast on day three of the program.

For more information, Click here.

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