New Avocado ripeness meter set for December release
Felix Instruments’ new Avocado Quality Meter F-751 soon will be available to post-harvest communities.
The ripeness meter, available through QA Supplies, is an avocado-only version of the F-750 Produce Quality Meter. The F-751 is set for release on Dec. 5, 2018.
“This instrument will provide ripeness data and non-destructive accurate maturity readings from anywhere the avocado is,” said Steve Page, General Manager at QA Supplies.
With the push of a button, this instrument can accurately predict dry-matter straight out of the box. Data is then transferred seamlessly to a PC via Wi-Fi for easy analysis and sharing.
The Avocado Quality Meter also comes with the ability to use Fruit Maps, a free interactive harvest map application co-created by Felix Instruments and Central Queensland University. This feature makes it possible to monitor your orchards in real time from anywhere in the world.
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