July 29, 2021

Center for Produce Safety has upcoming webinars on water treatment, cyclospora

The Center for Produce Safety is planning two upcoming produce safety webinars.

Agricultural Water Treatment

10-11 a.m. PT Wednesday, Aug. 11

The webinar will take a “deeper dive” into key learnings from the Agricultural Water Treatment in the Southwest Region. Presenters will discuss successful monitoring strategies for chemical treatments including PAA and CL, alternative water treatment options including the use of UV light, and results of soil, root, and plant tissue microbiome analysis and what that means for growers concerned about soil health. Industry beyond the Desert Southwest will benefit from this information.


  • Channah Rock, Ph.D., Professor & Water Quality Specialist, Department of Environmental Science, The University of Arizona
  • Kerry Cooper, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Food Safety and Epidemiology, School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona
  • Veerachandra K. Yemmireddy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Food Safety & Microbiology, School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Sciences & Department of Biology, College of Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
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Forum II on Cyclospora cayetanensis: What does the research tell us, what do we need to know? A closer look at the science

9 a.m.-noon PT Wednesday, Sept. 8

This forum will build on the information and discussions presented at the June Cyclospora Forum and provide more detailed and specific information on this important and timely topic.

Topics will include (not limited to) the prevalence of Cyclospora, detection methodologies, microbial ecology of irrigation and surface waters, genotyping, and environmental persistence.

Next update will include a detailed agenda.

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