November 18, 2016

Bin tipper introduced for fresh produce industry

Working with Grimmway farms in the U.S., Jantz Canada has developed a new heavy duty bin tipper for the fresh product industry.

There are several features which sets this tipper apart from others on the market explains Jantzjantz-bin-tipper president Robert Peto. The bin tipper is electrically powered, not hydraulic. This allows for infinitely fine control throughout the entire dump cycle, according to Jantz President Robert Peto. This also means the product can be quickly lifted then slowed for the actual dump portion of the cycle, according to the company.

The system is sanitary; there are no lines or pumps to leak oil onto the product or the floor as is always the eventuality of hydraulic systems, according to Peto.

The system is built on a platform that is designed for an industrial facility. The unit that can handle 5000 lb. dumps, tip to 150 degrees and cycle in one minute, according to Jantz. Dump height is completely variable due to the subframe construction.

For more information, visit the Jantz website.

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