pathogen testing

Cyclospora: What can the produce industry do now?

The intestinal parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis is a growing food safety priority for the fresh produce industry. C. cayetanensis is the only Cyclospo... continue reading »

Emerging pathogen Cyclospora focus of CPS study

Ynés Ortega, Ph.D., with the University of Georgia, is leading a research project that will identify potential sources of the protozoan pathogen, Cyc... continue reading »

UMass food scientist making strides in foodborne disease testing

University of Massachusetts Amherst food scientist Matthew Moore has received two grants from the USDA to apply new technology in an effort to more qu... continue reading »

Spanish scientist working on metagenomics testing for foodborne illness

Although viruses may be responsible for roughly half of all foodborne illness outbreaks, current testing methods are difficult because of the time, c... continue reading »

Purdue scientists hope to use light to detect bacteria

Scientists looking for traces of E. coli O157:H7 contamination in foods soon could have a new detection method on their hands - turning off the light... continue reading »

Center for Produce Safety awards new research projects

The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has presented 10 new research awards valued at over $2 million.  The awards are for research projects directed a... continue reading »

Roka Bioscience to co-present FDA webinar

Roka Bioscience will launch a new technology-based environmental auditing program during a co-presented webcast titled "Play FDA for a day: Criminali... continue reading »

Blue LEDs show potential for killing bacteria in juice

A team at the National University of Singapore, led by professor Yuk Hyun-Gyun and his former Ph.D. student, Vinayak Ghate, studied the use of blue LE... continue reading »

Researchers develop rapid food safety test

Keeping the food on America’s tables safe to eat is a major priority at USDA, where we are constantly working to find innovative ways to stay a step... continue reading »

The search for best tools to detect pathogens

A decade has passed since the 2006 E. coli outbreak in spinach, and the world of produce processing has changed dramatically since that incident. A ch... continue reading »