May 23, 2019

California Prunes no longer California Dried Plums, adds new logo

California Prunes has announced a new brand and logo which they say represents the best of what the state has to offer in terms of growing prunes.

“The world comes to California for prunes, and we take that seriously,” said Donn Zea, Executive Director, California Prune Board. “California is the most reliable and consistent source in the industry for quality, size and taste.”

The board is aiming for a premium look that will also present the benefits of eating prunes to customers. They have also come up with the following tagline: “Prunes. For life.”

“It moves prunes away from an occasional food choice to a daily pleasure. This is ideal since California Prunes are good for your gut, heart and bones,” said Zea.

He explains that consumers care more than ever about their food and the time is right to promote California Prunes in a fresh way.

“Gut health has gained more interest and relevance, and clinical trials suggest that eating five or six prunes a day may support healthy bones,” said Zea. “In addition to the nutritional benefits, market research has shown that the only thing holding people back from eating more prunes isn’t negative perceptions, but rather the simple need for more top-of-mind awareness.”

Driving growth worldwide 

“For more than three decades, we have opened markets globally for California Prunes, and we continue to do so today,” said Zea. “California has invested in premium growing processes and quality control along with nutrition and crop research, all while being committed to sustainable agriculture and ethical labor practices.”

“When it comes to prunes, California delivers. California Prunes have earned a premium reputation in global markets,” said Zea.

Exported around the world 

California Prunes are delivered into more than 60 countries around the world. The new brand will be integrated extensively into markets including the United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan, China and South Korea.

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